Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Two Peas - Blog Challenge

What do I like about crops? Hmmmm..............well that is easy. Everything! I love going to crops, they are sooooo much fun. I like being with people who love this genre of art as much as I do. So far as not liking things go I am a very live and let live - it's all good kinda girl. Very little bothers me. I think the only thing that does, is people who are way too hung up on this being the only two seconds they get to themselves so they get bent out of shape because of every stinkin' thing that is going on around them. I just about always go out of my way to help people, so it really bothers me when people get all bent out of shape or are totally inflexible when it comes to little things. For me a lot of times it is my only time "off", but if I wanted to spend it in silence or by myself I would go to the library and read a good book. There is nothing wrong with reading a good book sometimes.

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