Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Taking A Day Off

I am finally all caught up with my class projects, so I think I am going to take a day or two off. Well maybe one ...... a few hours?
The thing is I never stop thinking about projects, except for the occasional mental holiday that makes my DH crazy, but for the most part it is always going on somewhere in the back of my head. I can't help but look at something and think "What can I make that into? or "That could be cool for a layout?". It's a illness I know. LOL It is right up there with my uncanny ability to remember just about anything I read. Word for word sometimes. It's scary. It freaks my friends out. They even call me "Encyclopedia Veronica" upon occasion. However I am going to try and shut it off for a while and take a break. Relax. Refresh. Renew.

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